Centro di Formazione e Ricerca in Analisi Transazionale
Centro di Formazione e Ricerca in Analisi Transazionale





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Hargaden, H., & Sills, C. (2002). Transactional analysis: A relational perspective. Hove, England: Brunner- Routledge.


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McLaughlin, J. (1987). The play of transference: Some reflection on enactment in the therapeutic situation. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 35, 557–582.


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Novellino, M. (1984). Self-analysis of countertransference in integrative transactional analysis. Transactional Analysis Journal, 14, 63–67.


Ogden, T. (2004). Subjects of analysis. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. (Original work pub-lished 1994) 


Renik, O. (1998). The role of countertransference enactment in a successful clinical psychoanalysis.  In S. Ell- man & M. Moskowitz (Eds.), Enactment: Toward a new approach to the therapeutic rela-tionship (pp. 111– 128). Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson.


Searles, H. F. (2004). My work with borderline patients. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. (Original work published 1986)


Shadbolt, C. (2012). The place of failure and rupture in psychotherapy. Transactional Analysis Journal, 42, 5–16. 


Slavin, J. (2010). Becoming an individual: Technically subversive thoughts on the role of the ana-lyst’s influence. Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 20, 308–324.


Soth, M. (2013). We are all relational, but are some more relational than others?: Completing the paradigm shift toward relationality. Transactional Analysis Journal, 43, 122–137.


Stern, D. B. (2010). Partners in thought: Working with unformulated experience, dissociation and enactment. London, England: Routledge.


Woods, K. (1996). Projective identification and game analysis. Transactional Analysis Journal, 26, 228–231. 


Woods, K. (2000). The defensive function of the game scenario. Transactional Analysis Journal, 30, 94–97. 


Woods, K. (2002). Primary and secondary gains from games. Transactional Analysis Journal, 32, 190–192. 





1)    Questo articolo è stato pubblicato in Transactional Analysis Journal, Vol 45, No.2, pp.104-116, Aprile 2015. E’ stato tradotto e ripubblicato con il permesso dell’autrice e dell’ITAA (International Transactional Analysis Association).

2)    Jo Stuthridge è didatta e supervisore in analisi transazionale (psicoterapia), membro dell’Associazione della Nuova Zelanda di Psicoterapia. Svolge la sua attività privata di psicoterapia in Dunedin ed è il direttore del Psysis Institute, che offre formazione in analisi transazionale. E’ attualmente professore e  ricercatore associato presso il Dipartimento di Psicoterapia e Counselling presso l’Università della Tecnologia di Aukland  ed è coeditore del Transactional Analysis Journal. Recapiti dell’autrice: Office: 85 Cliffs Rd., Dunedin 9012, New Zealand. L’autrice è profondamente grata ai suoi clienti che le hanno permesso di condividere queste storie.

email: jstuthridge@xtra.co.nz 

3)    Psicologa, psicoterapeuta, analista transazionale in training.

4)    NdR: le pagine indicate nelle citazioni si riferiscono ai testi originali.

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